Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Problems Regarding E Cigarettes

The introduction of e cigarettes directly into market seems to have caught some by surprise regarding speed along with assortment of their status. This great influx of new merchandise that can be chosen from has also given credence to a host of issues regarding the product. Even thought the electric cigarette is a relatively recent merchandise in the market, there have still been a lot of problems that have risen from the consumers.

Health Concerns. Much like any merchandise, many health conscious people always try to ask questions. For e cigarettes, this is basically the consumption of propylene glycol on the liquids of the merchandise. This amazing element is used as an ingredient to both antifreeze and the liquid used to create the mist of the electronic cigarette. Strangely enough, the administration of food and drug in the United States has considered this element as safe for consumption even though you can find this chemical in the liquid solutions of electric cigarettes. They have actually found some other hazardous and cancer causing things in the samples that they have been given, but many have questioned whatever decision they make since this product is not exactly consumed as it is not considered an edible substance.

Child Enticement. One fascinating issue that electronic cigarette companies deal with these day is the allegation that these products can be perceived as a stepping stone product that would lead them to smoke cigarettes. Much of the concern is rooted in the marketing information stating that this is a safe alternative to smoking and does not have all the harmful effects coming from both direct smoking and second hand smoke. This taken with the flavors of the liquids being used for the electronic cigarettes lead many to fear that children are amongst the target markets for the makers of this product. There is also the fact that there is no label that warn people of the health risks and any advice they have regarding the product, which will probably lead to many more problems in the future.

Tobacco Mafia. Since their has been a marked rise in the sales of this product on the market these days, everyone in the tobacco industry have kept a sharp eye on how this product is doing. These companies are researching on the viability of the statement that says these cigarettes are healthier than normal cigarettes in every way. Since they have so many great connection and a whole lot of money, the cigarette companies around the world are doing whatever they can to destroy the electronic cigarette. If the electric cigarette wants to keep on rising, they better make sure that the tobacco mafia will not be appropriating them, so they have to start getting experimentation and studies don on this product that could match the same level of research done on tobacco products, to give evidential proofthat is worldly accepted.

As you can noticed, there are lots of problems that e cigarettes ought to focus on its own to be able to secure simply by itself as a dependable and also risk-free goods out there. The first issue is the health and safety concerns with the product itself, as it proves to be untested and undetermined as of the moment. The secondary issue is in the way they promoted their product and the possible target market of this product, as it seems that kids will be endangered. Dilemma number three comes with regard to the fact that their industry opponents are doing all the things they can to ruin their business. Until such time as all 3 will be resolved, it will absolutely end up being a constant climb when it comes to e cigarettes.

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