Friday, May 11, 2012

Should Someone Take Alpha Lipoic Acid for Blood Pressure?

Alpha lipoic acid can help someone with their blood pressure in a number of ways. Before I talk about the ingredient alpha lipoic acid I would like to go why having a normal blood pressure is crucial good for health. Do you know what the number one cause of death in the U.S. is? It's heart disease and do you know what are some of the leading causes of heart disease? Well the biggest culprit is cholesterol followed by diabetes and then comes high blood pressure or the technical name is hypertension.

Other factors behind this illness which are frequent tend to be cigarette smoking, stress not to mention obesity. Ok, so high blood pressure isn't good and a big reason is because it makes the heart keep working harder. The heart is required to drive blood harder the same as if you were attempting to blow a whistle which had been all blocked with some type of goo. Also hypertension thickens blood vessels that carry blood and increases the chance that something could get blocked considering that little components of artery walls are floating around. This can lead to diabetes and turmeric can help.

When it comes to why hypertension is not good for health there are about as many reasons as there are models of cars on the road however first lets talk about ways to reduce the risk of it. One of the most popular ways is with using prescription medicine but there are bad side effects and they create a bunch of free radicals that are nasty. I would probably endorse doing natural things such as going for walks more often eating fish, vegetables and of course meditating as well. Don't let me forget alpha lipoic acid can help as well.

Alpha lipoic acid is actually created in each and every cell of of the body. At this point you might be wondering why you ought to take a dietary supplement with this compound if it's made in the body. This is an excellent question and the response is because when someone gets older with age they are going to develop a smaller amount of this substance. The reason why alpha lipoic acid is great is because it can help change glucose or sugar into practical energy. Now considering exactly how yummy sugar tastes and just how harmful it is you can see some of the potential advantages.

To explain how this substance may be of support I'm going to discuss something called caloric restriction. Have you heard of this before? Well in principle if someone takes less calories they will create much less free radicals and thus will live a extended life. Research shows that it works with mice. A popular herb called resveratrol which has many uses in fact signals a gene called SIRT 1 which allows caloric restriction and this might be a large explanation it can extend life.

These free radicals damage arteries which become hardened and blocks blood flow. Studies show that alpha lipoic acid can reduce free radicals which might be manufactured in cells the same as if someone was eating fewer calories. This then would result in fewer free radical damage and much better blood flow. Now there are many other areas in which alpha lipoic acid can help for instance obesity and diabetes likewise and the best source to get more would be to require a supplement.

The problem with supplements is the fact that there are about millions of possibilities, they are generally confusing and can sometimes be harmful. Haven't you ever thought about why there isn't some darn guide that can make shopping for these products much easier? Well, I have looked and I ran across a number of websites that attempted to sale me things and were less than objective. For this reason I actually produced an eBook all about this topic. The best part is that it's free, un-biased and answers all the complicated questions with supplements. To learn more click on ALA and diabetes.

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