Saturday, May 5, 2012

Development And Treatment Of Facial Acne

A lot of misconceptions are circulating regarding the causes of acne. Most people who have acne are not properly educated on why acne develops in their skin. We have to look deep into basic units in the skin in order to understand how acne develop. This will also help us determine which remedies found online are truly useful based on how acne really develops.

Understanding the basic structure of the skin is important to learn how acne develops. The basic unit of the skin is call the pilosebaceous unit and each unit is composed of a follicle, a hair and a sebaceous gland. They can be found all over the skin system except on the palms, soles, lower lip and top of the feet. The face has the most number of these units.

Sebaceous glands in the body produce sebum which is a natural skin moisturizer.

Adolescents have enlarged sebaceous glands because of the puberty hormone androgen. As we age, sebum production becomes slower and lesser.

There are two very popular types of acne - the pimple and the whitehead or blackhead. Bacteria called the proionibacterium acnes initiate the development of acne. This type of bacteria is normally found in the skin. Some people just have a higher amount of these bacteria in their skin.

When this bacteria gets into the follicle, white blood cells gather to fight the infection of the follicle. Doing its job as an anti-body, white blood cells secrete an enzyme however this type of enzyme damages the wall of the follicle. And just like any other external wound where white blood cells are present, the skin on this part of the body swells up. What happens next is inflammation of the skin around the follicle which is what we commonly see as the pimple. Whiteheads and blackheads on the other hand are obstructed follicles caused by trapped sebum.

The most common misconception on how to how to get rid of acne is frequent washing. Washing the face causes the skin to dry up which means more skin breakage making it prone to acne. Popping pimples will not help because it would just cause them to stay longer. Do not worry about putting make up because it does not allow pimples to proliferate. Eating oily food is another misconception as well as certain skin types.

Healthy habits are still the best forms acne treatment. When it comes to diet, it's better to eat more fruits and vegetables making the skin healthy. When it comes to getting toxins out of the body, hydration is very important so drinking lots of water also helps. Cleaning the face requires 3 steps - cleanse, tone and moisturize. When it comes to knowing how to get rid of acne scars, getting advice from a medical expert is important.

Hash: AndresonWeztrin-jIsdfyoasdMsereasdh

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