Monday, May 28, 2012

About Urinary Incontinence

When people hear about urinary incontinence, they often wonder what it means. This actually means that an individual is having trouble controlling their bladder and may be leaking urine throughout the day. This will often occur in women who are getting older, especially when they sneeze or cough. This problem can be less severe or it can be extremely severe but it ultimately depends on the individual, as each person is different.

There are many people suffering from this embarrassing problem, which can often get in the way of people performing their regular tasks. However, this is not a life sentence. There are ways to get with the bladder control problems and treatment options are available. A trip to the doctor's office will definitely be called for in this case.

It is important for people of all ages to know about the signs and symptoms that occur when an individual has urinary incontinence. The first sign is leakage of urine, especially when sneezing, coughing, exercising, or lifting heavy things. Another symptom in more severe cases would be leaking urine and simply not being able to make it to the bathroom on time.

Sometimes the cause of this problem goes way deeper than bladder control and there is actually a medical issue related to the problem. This is why an individual needs to go to the doctor about the bladder control problems so that they will be able to figure out what may be causing such an issue and how they can fix it.

There are all types of treatment options which may be recommended by a doctor but it will ultimately depend on the severity of the problem. Easier treatment is always recommended before anything more serious is suggested. Easy treatment would include monitoring bathroom usage and setting up specific times to urinate.

A doctor will usually advise the individual to cut back on certain things, specifically alcohol. Alcohol is often the cause of urinary incontinence, especially for those who drink too much of it. A doctor may suggest physical therapy because this allows an individual to perform certain exercises that can help with the bladder control problem.

Some of the exercises that can be performed include Kegel exercises, which are commonly known as pelvic floor muscle exercise. These particular exercises can be performed throughout the day, as an individual will work on contracting their pelvic muscles to make them stronger and less likely to release urine.

Urinary incontinence can become severe, especially if it has gone untreated for quite a while. In those cases, a doctor may prescribe an oral medication or suggest the insertion of a device that would help prevent such bladder issues.

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