Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is hypnosis?

It's not as weird as you think. Being hypnotized means a "shift of attention, From outside to inside world," explains Hypnotherapist.

Do you know about it? You should.. There's very little difference between the hypnotic state you achieve in a doctor's office and the one you experience when you zone out on the highway or become engrossed in a book, staying up long past your bedtime.

We are not sure how hypnosis works, but we are sure: Once a person has been hypnotized, she is akcepting suggestions easier, so that a doctor or therapist can give her a way to take control of a physical problem or to change an unhealthy behavior. And beeing hypnotized means that you are in conrol. You can chose witch suggestions you will accept. You always maintain some control and awareness.

What happens to you during a hypnosis session?

First, the practitioner will discuss your goal and help you choose something to focus on during the session.

Then you will follow the voice, the practitioner will encourage you to relax and to focus your attention. Once you've entered a trance - telltale signs include a slight slackening of facial muscles or a change in breathing - you'll recive suggestions.

Finally, you'll be talked out of the trance. Some people find this disorienting for a moment, while others may feel refreshed. "Everyone experiences hypnosis differently," says Temes, who has authored a book on hypnosis.

Many practitioners provide their patients with a tape, which helps to guide them into a trance , so they can practice the technique on their own - which is exactly what Elisa Jones did. "The last two to three months of pregnancy aren't really comfortable," she says. "And I was in Florida in the middle of the summer, with temperatures of a 100 and something degrees. Hypnosis helped me get through those final months."

What medical conditions can Hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnosis can relieve IBS, improve breathing for some asthmatics, prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, to name a few. Judith Serlosa, a 45-year-old paralegal in Miami, Broke out in hives. She went to her general practitioner and dermatologist and "tried every product I could find. Nothing helped." Then, her sister-in-law, who'd been seeing a hypnotherapist, asked her about making an appointment. And, she agreed. After the first two sessions, her hives cleared up. Now she likes to regularly listen tape and says, "I'm feeleing great since i went to hypnotherapist."

Probably the most compelling research on hypnosis has been done in the area of pain control. As Diana Young learned, hypnosis can make labor and delivery much more bearable. But hypnosis has been a lifesaver for burn patients who must endure debridement, a grueling procedure during which their dressings are changed and their skin is clean in order to avoid infection and encourage the growth of new skin.

There are ex-smokers swear that hypnotherapy helped them eliminate this bad habit.

Will my insurance pay for hypnosis sessions?

Som of them. Relatively few insurers cover hypnosis directly. But many do cover the services of physicians and mental-health professionals who use hypnosis in their practice. You may consider hypnosis, check it with your insurance company, and make it clear that you are interested in being hypnotized for medical purposes.I love hipnoterapia

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