Friday, November 11, 2011

E Cigarettes Can Lead to a Healthier, Longer Life

Maybe you've given a try to quitting cigarette smoking, but you still can't do it. Perhaps, you like smoking and the way it makes you not want to eat much. Despite the fact that you realise the strong addictive qualities of nicotine, you just can't stop. Well, why do you need to give up nicotine? It isn't the nicotine that is so bad, rather it is the 4000 poisons found in cigarette smoke. So, what you need is a way to satisfy your nicotine cravings that doesn't involve inhaling tobacco smoke. Have you considered e cigarettes, which are actually a successful and safe way to distribute nicotine? Read on to learn how e cigs can help you avoid some serious, sometimes fatal, diseases and conditions.

E Cigarettes: About COPD

COPD is the abbreviation for "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." It is an all-inclusive word to describe several afflictions which cut off airflow, which makes just breathing very hard to do. One such disease is emphysema, where the damage to the air sacks in the lungs, called alveoli, creates breathlessness. Chronic bronchitis is another one of these diseases; the symptoms include excessive mucus secretion and also a cough. Research has shown that smoking is the leading cause of COPD, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. It accounts for about 80% of all cases. If you smoke, it is believed that your lung function will decline about three times quicker than if you don't smoke. However, e cigarettes causes no COPD period, for the reason that you are not inhaling anything but nicotine vapour, rather than smoke that includes 4000 poisonous substances.

E Cigarettes: A Number of Symptoms, Signs, and Illnesses-Serious and Mild

Smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin for over an hour. Smoking raises blood pressure, which in turn can cause hypertension (high blood pressure). Hypertension is proven to aid in the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks. A smoker's sick days are 25% more than a non-smoker's sick days. Heavy smoking can injure the eyes, and steady loss of sight can occur due to macular degeneration. Smokers can also get cataracts easier; this is even another degenerative eye problem. Smoking causes asthma to be worse since it adds to inflammation in the airway. To lower or take away these risks, just change over to e cigs.

E Cigarettes: Even More Reasons to Convert

Smokers often develop painful ulcers in their mouths. Smoking also restricts the blood flow to the skin, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Men who smoke and are in their 30s or 40s are more apt to have erectile dysfunction, also called ED. The British Medical Association calculates that nearly 120,000 adult males are affected since erection cannot take place unless there is a free blood flow to the male organ; smoking can slow down this process. It's also thought that smoking disrupts the blood flow to other organs, including the heart. E cigs produce none of these detrimental, disagreeable effects.

For a healthier, longer, and more active life, tobacco smokers should consider switching to e cigarettes.

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