Monday, April 2, 2012

Stay Natural and Enjoy Life-Long Health

Too often, we forget to ask for help when overburdened or distressed, or assume "no one cares." Asking for help can be as simple as asking a friend or husband to massage your sore shoulders or to take out the trash. Or, it can be asking for professional advice or help from a higher source too. You'll be surprised how effective and relationship building it can be!

Browse through the rest of this article. You'll find them to be helpful whether you're interested in knowing more about general health or more specific topics like thyromine reviews. Who knows? Youthful, glowing body may be in your future after implementing just one of the tips listed here.

There is no way to be healthy and smoke. I stopped. Twice. One cigarette kills trillions of cells in your body. Heart attacks are responsible for more early deaths among smokers due to coronary artery disease that cancer. Also, smoking is one of the major risk factors for lifestyle diseases and different kinds of cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants. Your cells are constantly bombarded with Free Radicals (Free Radicals come from living breathing, smoking, toxins, pollution, and many other sources). When they attack the cells of your body they eventually cause damage to the cell. If you are not eating foods that can fight and repair the cell damage you are headed for the danger rust up, dry up, swell up, then turn to stone.

If you want big health results without making a big effort, getting a pet could be the way to go. Multiple research studies have shown that pet owners have improved physical and mental health, including lowered blood pressure, better ability to cope with adverse life effects, and lowered stress levels. For those who need encouragement to up their fitness levels, getting a pet dog may also provide you with that push you need to get out and get active.

Vegging out in front of the TV can be the quickest way to pile on the pounds. However, couch potatoes needn't despair; there are plenty of ways to keep healthy and active in front of the screen. To boost your fitness while watching TV, try squeezing a mini-workout into each commercial break. From situps to skipping or a quick run up and down stairs, there are plenty of ways to introduce activity into your TV-watching schedule. The golden rule is simply to keep moving, with research suggesting that even fidgeting while sitting can burn up to 350 extra calories a day.

Enough rest is one thing that will help you reduce stress levels and lower your blood pressure as well as your risk of suffering from heart attacks and stroke. Enough sleep also helps you keep away from inflammation, sharpens your memory and lowers your risk of having depression. Enough sleep can also make you feel energized. Do not oversleep though as it will also make your body weaker and sluggish. One of the most important tips on healthy living is to have anything in moderation.

Typically, in India we don't take periodic health checks seriously. It's important to realise that one visit a year the doctor can prevent so many visits in the future. This is especially true for women over 30. Speak to your doctor about getting a mammogram, Pap smear and bone density check right now and you'll be ensuring many years of health in the future

If you are one of those people who find that doing exercise or going to the gym might not be your cup of tea, then you should go for swimming, aerobic classes, local dance classes. At the most you can go for a walk in the morning too. The physical exercise will help you to make you beautiful from inside and outside

Eat organically grown produce as much as possible. If you eat meat, buy meat from animals that have been fed organically grown chow. Pesticides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers get into the food chain and create a toxic load in the body that leads to poor health. Buying organic also insures that your food hasn't been genetically modified. Most of the soy products that aren't organically grown have been genetically engineered for higher crop yield, but made less nutritious.

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