Friday, December 30, 2011

Steps for the Prevention of Periodontitis

Gum disease can become serious and will lead to inflammation called periodontitis. This disease affects the gums surrounding the teeth and may or may not become painful but will eventually result to loss of teeth. The situation may become even worse and will become a factor for being prone to the risk of heart disease. As much as possible, nobody will ever want to contact gum disease.

However, recent studies have shown that the more an individual consumes food high in essential fatty acids known as EPA and DHA, the risk of contacting periodontal disease is lowered. Many medical professionals find this as sensible since these fatty acids, also known as the essential fatty acids or omega 3 fatty acids; have anti-inflammatory properties. Since periodontitis is an inflammatory disease, it is believed that DHA and EPA can be a big help in combating the inflammation.

The common source of these fatty acids, DHA and EPA; is fish oil. The diet of our forefathers was mostly fish hence they have enough of the essential fatty acids in their daily consumption of food. Nowadays, our intake of fish is reduced and as a result, also the low intake of DHA and EPA. Because of this, many of us now are more prone to lifestyle diseases like heart diseases, especially for individuals with low intake of these essential fatty acids or omega 3 fatty acids.

Other studies were made to observe if the onset of the gum disease is associated with the intake of DHA and EPA. The studies arrived to the conclusion that higher intakes of DHA in the diet and lower consumption of EPA resulted to lower occurrences of the gum disease and periodontitis symptoms. This means that eating more foods containing omega 3 fatty acids reduces the chances of having periodontitis. The good news is that there are also other health conditions benefited by including more fish oil in your meals. The fatty acids also lower your risk of developing heart diseases and dying from heart attack.

There is a problem though on how to increase your intake of the essential fatty acids since fish is getting more costly nowadays. In addition to that, local fish is now well known to be contaminated with industrial toxins. This is the reason why most people avoid eating fish as much as possible. But fortunately for us, we can now partake of excellent sources of high quality omega 3 fatty acid supplements coming from fish oil. These are now available in the market and can be taken daily. You can be assured of safe, clean, and cost effective supplements but make sure that these are of the high quality type. With the increased intake of essential fatty acid supplements in our diet, we can be assured of preventing periodontitis from becoming more serious, if not; stop the occurrence of this gum disease.

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