Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dental Health For Kids Common Dental Problems And Solutions

Melbourne Dental

Dental health for kids is one of the most talked about topics as far as oral hygiene is concerned. Nonetheless, it is also one of the most neglected practices all over the world. This is because most people think that only permanent teeth must be given utmost care as they can no longer be replaced. They fall short in understanding in general dental care that young gums and teeth are the basis of tough gums and teeth for the adults.

Contrary to what most of us believe, tooth decay does not start in the preschool years of a child. It happens as early as the nursing years. Thus, the presence of the condition called bottle tooth decay. Since babies cannot eat solid foods yet they are exposed sugary liquids day in and day out. These are in the form of breast milk, formulas, fruit juices and water with sugar. The sugar components of these liquids seep into the gums of babies for a long time; damaging its natural composition and tooth decay happens. This dental problem brings discomfort, pain and misalignment of permanent teeth in the future as well.

Dental health for kids can start during the nursing years. This entails the cleaning of the babies' mouths once they have been bottle fed. With the of clean cotton or cloth dabbed in water, parents and primary care givers can wipe the sugar particles off the babies' gums and tongues. Other procedures that can be observed include use of pacifiers when calming babies or putting them to sleep. This is in replacement of bottle feeding them for such purposes. As babies add another month to their ages, teach them to drink from cups with straws so as to prevent their developing teeth from getting damaged prematurely.

Next to tooth decay is teeth loss. This is commonly experienced by toddlers who have recently become preschoolers. Once they get to walk, run and play on their own, preschoolers move around with no control. Thus, they get into small accidents like loosing one or a couple of their teeth. The bad thing about this and tooth decay is that the growth of permanent teeth can come unevenly. Moreover, distorted teeth positions can lead to temporomandibular joint problems that will need related dental treatments for your kids.

The value of dental health must be taught to kids as soon as they acquire the ability to understand. This includes constant practice as well. Parents and primary care givers must be determined to accomplish this understanding because the motivation of the kids will depend on them. To begin with, discipline children to eat regular meals in a day without any snacks in between. Besides giving them definite time to eat, ensure that their meals are nutritious. You can research online for a list of foods that are good for the teeth. Next, encourage children to brush their teeth after each meal. As much as possible, let them use toothpaste that is rich in fluoride.

Lastly, seek the help of professionals and make them your partners in establishing dental health for kids. Make your children understand the value of visiting a dentist frequently. Request the dentist to give your children a pep talk on the benefits of oral hygiene and the need for certain procedures like cleaning and filling to preserve their teeth.

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