Tuesday, December 6, 2011

If there is a tumor inside the fallopian tube of a woman then this could lead to infertility as it blocks the flow of eggs to the uterus

The woman's body is very complicated. With lifestyle changes, women suffer from several health problems. Infertility affects a lot of women and it's one of the most known reproductive problems on women. The infertility in women could be caused by several factors. A woman's age is a big factor in her fertility. The woman's bodily hormone is actually a major contributor on her fertility or infertility since it impacts vastly the female reproductive system. Being exposed to harmful chemicals or living in a dirty environment can negatively affect the reproductive system. A woman can be infertile if she continues to live an unhealthy lifestyle and have a bad eating habit. If you have a stressful life you must not resort to smoking or drinking as that can lead to infertility. If you must constantly use your laptop for work or leisure make sure you don't put it over your thigh or near the abdominal area as that can affect your fertility. If you want to keep your ovaries safe, keep it far from gadgets that may emit rays. Infertility is much higher on women that are exposed to harmful chemicals. There are several factors from our environment that leads to women infertility. The female reproductive system diagram reveals exactly what organs inside which should be functioning perfectly for it to actually work. To assure that the woman can bear a child, all organs there needs to be healthy. A woman's exposure to harmful chemicals or elements can lead to the growth of ovarian cancer.

A woman has 2 ovaries and this is shown in the anatomy of the female reproductive system. Women with infertility problem most often are diagnosed to have endometriosis as well. A woman suffers from endometriosis when the tissue that forms the lining on the uterus reaches down to the pelvis. Women with good quality egg cells are able to get fertilized better than those with poor quality egg cells. The egg cells produced with abnormal kinds of chromosomes will not be able to get fertilized. The glands with the pelvic area could get irritated and when this occurs it can also impact the female reproductive system. A woman with STD can also suffer from infertility as this could lead to it. When a woman is still young but diagnosed to be infertile, it is possible that it is caused by a non-sterile abortion. Women who have several cysts in their ovaries can also be infertile. If a woman produce higher amount of the male hormone she may also suffer from infertility. A blockage in the fallopian tube caused by a tumor will lower your chance to conceive as the egg cell can't move from the ovaries. The egg cell flows through the fallopian tubes and this is shown through the female reproductive systems pictures. The fallopian tubes of a woman when it has malignant tumors need to be taken out through surgery. With medical science, the problem about infertility that a lot of women suffer from is being tackled to find a treatment. Women who have hormonal imbalance can go for hormonal replacement therapy and in more severe cases of infertility in vitro fertilization. We need to have a healthy body in order to be able to successfully conceive a child and know the wonderful world of motherhood.

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